Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wk03 Game Pitch Concept Phase

My concept for my game is a 2d plat-former based in the arctic mountains. The beginning of the game starts with a cinematic of a family living in the mountains, showing how they live, how they interact with each other. Eventually an avalanche occurs separating the son from his family. Determined to be united with his family, the boy goes through levels through the mountain fighting creatures and going through obstacles.

The game is highly influenced by the game Super Meat Boy

I feel the hardest part about the artistic style would be to make the environment not boring. Being set in the mountains its mostly going to be white, with snow surrounding everything. I'm going to need to make it not boring with everything being white.

The first weapon the main character is going to get is going to be an icy mallet that he pulls out of the debris after the avalanche. The idea of the mallet comes from the art of "frozen mallet" in league of legends.

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