Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wk04 Mood Board Final Phase

Background / Cinematic Examples

These are just a few examples of what I want the background of the game to be. It's going to be a little difficult not to make it boring due to the lack of colors. Every color is just a different shade of white and blue. 

Character Examples

This character originates from Super Smash Bros: Melee. This is one of the Ice Climbers and gives a really good idea of what I want in the main character of my game. The Ice Climbers are little children with big hammers dressed like they were in the arctics, just like I would like my Character to look like. However, I am planning on making my character a little older, maybe in his early teens. 

1 comment:

  1. the research phase post was light. i need written material to understand your progress. your final phase post was much stronger but it was more the research phase as i wanted you to break down these moodboards and then improve your game concepts. so you could have created a game concept image for your environments and another for your characters based on this research you did.
